Monday, August 15, 2011

One Month In and Nothing to Hide

This Fourth of July we acquired the stomach flu from an unknown source (aka: Lori - Brett's Older Sister). Four days later, 100 Lysol wipes, 4 cans of chicken noodle soup, 2 giant bottles of gateraid and a 2 liter of ginger ale - we finally recovered. Thank goodness our ailment came in waves as you can imagine the anxiety that surrounds a house with only 1 bathroom. We managed to survive the flu but now we are faced with piled up work and prospecting (for me) that we are now wondering how in the world we are going to get caught up! Being sick is so much better when you are younger - you might have a little math homework or a few chapters to read for English (which you most likely would not have even read in the first place or even a Latin quiz in which the teacher would tell you every questions you “might” see of the quiz before you have to take it. Easy as pie compared to catching up in the real world… What I would give to go back to the days of my mom taking care of me and not a care in the world about “catching up on my work”!